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Ethernet/IP Adapter setup instructions

  • bnkoeppel - 2016-09-28

    I want to have an Ethernet/IP Adapter in CODESYS connected to an Ethernet/IP Scanner in a ControlLogix PLC. I can not find any step by step help.

    I have tried to use the CODESYS Ethernet/IP Adapter EDS File in the ControlLogix PLC, but the resulting module in the ControlLogix PLC does not have any obvious way to specify any data mapping.

    I have tried to use a Generic Ethernet Communication module in the ControlLogix PLC, but I am not certain what the assembly instance numbers are for input, output, and configuration connections.

    I can not find any CODESYS documentation that explains how to use the Ethernet/IP Adapter.

    Anyone have some advice or hints for me? Thanks!

  • bnkoeppel - 2016-09-28

    Thank you for the reply, it is exactly along the lines of what I was hoping for, but it did not work for me. Rockwell reports a fault code 16#0204 Connection Request Error: Connection request timed out.

    The information that you provided that I did not know before includes:

    the assembly instance number for the Input, the Output, and the Configuration;
    the size of the Configuration;
    and the "Uncheck Use Unicast Connection over Ethernet/IP" tip.

    The rest of it I somehow got the same on my own.

    I do not have the same version of Ethernet/IP Adapter, yours is and mine is, will that be the reason mine does not connect?

    We both have the same EtherNet/IP Module version

    Any further ideas would be welcomed. Thanks!

  • bnkoeppel - 2016-09-28

    ..., after working on it awhile longer, now Rockwell reports Error Code 16#0315 Connection Request Error: Invalid segment type.

    So, it still does not connect.

    Any advice or ideas are welcomed. Thanks!

  • yannickasselin1 - 2016-09-29

    I tested it a about a year ago and it was working. I would have to test it again with the most recent Codesys release.
    You may find some more info here:
    l viewtopic.php?f=21&t=5836 l

  • bnkoeppel - 2016-09-29

    Thank you for your reply yannickasselin1 !

    I read the thread you suggested, and i got the hint to Watch the variable WARP_Device.Application.IoConfig_Globals.EtherNet_IP_Adapter.eError and it reports LICENSE_MISSING.

    Any ideas about that?

  • yannickasselin1 - 2016-09-30

    I tested it with a Raspberry Pi. Maybe the Raspberry Pi runtime includes the EtherNet/IP license and the regular RTE dosen't?
    But on the Codesys Store, it says it does. Do you use the RTE or the Control Win ?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2016-10-01

    all plc's listed here support Ethernet/IP Scanner and Adapter
    If you use a plc from an oem manufacturer either you need to ask him if he could support it or if his plc does
    support targetlicensing (means have the support of codemeter in his runtime - runtime key does work in his plc) then
    http://store.codesys.com/mixedsearch/mi ... ernet%2Fip is possible.


  • bnkoeppel - 2016-10-03

    Thank you Edwin, I think I understand the situation now. I was able to get the Adapter to run in a demo mode, and was able to connect with a ControlLogix PLC Ethernet/IP Scanner using the connection information provided by yannickasselin1.

    Thank you for your kind assistance.

    • joelsimon15 - 2020-04-08

      Hi I was trying to connect my micro 800 using ethernet IP with my RPi running codesys. In the CIP GENERIC message section on the micro 800 side I had to enter port number and IP address of my RPI. I couldnt figure out a value for a port number i tried 1217,11740 which shows on my communication settings . I tried 0,1,2,3,4 none of these seem to work. If you have come across this problem before could you please give me a hand
      thank you
      Joel Simon


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