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Interfacing to Remote Controllers over Ethernet in Windows

  • Captain-Edam - 2010-03-19

    Hello All,

    I am being asked the same question more and more and it would be helpful to check I am giving the right answer.

    The question is, if I have a windows-based piece of software how do I interface with to the remote Codesys controller over the Ethernet and not use a Fieldbus card / protocol.

    My general response is that the use of the Tag file database is the key and so long as there's a OPC server in their VB / VC / C# ... system they can pass the data over the ethernet to our controller. Is that the case? Or should I be mentioning DDE Server or ActiveX stuff?

    Thanks for any help!

  • Rolf-Geisler - 2010-03-19

    Hello Captain,

    you're just right: OPC is the commonly used method to communicate with PLCs.

    As far as I know, DDE is older than OLE (which is the base of OPC). ActiveX? Never heard about a PLC maker, doing the communication this way.




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