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Usb-toCan II ixxat how to set up comunication?

  • RobertoP - 2013-05-30

    I'm trying to connect am Elmo Driver via CANopen "IXXAT USB-to-CAN II," but I do not understand how to set the communication. I need help.
    I am to communicate with the device with "Composer", its software, so I think the driver and the cable is ok.

    In a new "Codesys Control Win V3" project I have added the a "CANBus" device, set the baudrate to 1000000. Added a "CANopen_Manager".
    Where I "say" at Codesys which device it have to use for Canopen communication?
    Where I select at which port of the "Usb-to-Can II" this communication is associated?
    If on "CANopen_Manager" I "Scan for Devices.." In the Log page report an error: No driver. Scan not possible!.. Why if with Composer I can comunicate with the driver?

  • RobertoP - 2013-06-05

    No one help??


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