Undertanding Application Based Licenses

  • leandroct - 2023-08-08

    Codesys changed the license system (https://store.codesys.com/en/howto_applicationbasedlicenses). How do I know which license package my project will fit into?
    - I understood that one of the determinants of the package is the size of the application, but where can I see this size? (I put attached a picture with some size information I see).
    - My application uses 8 cores. I saw a package that says up to 4 cores. How to use 8 cores?
    - My application has no I/O. It only reads TCP/IP packets from 3 sensors and send TCP packet ta a camera to take photos.
    - Where do I extract the amount of TAGs used by TargeVisu (I don't use WebVisu).


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