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codesys V3.5 communication problems

  • tommyjeans - 2016-09-13

    I recently learning Codesys V3.5. I use PC( Win V3 ) or raspberry pi3 to run the Codesys program.
    I have successfully used EtherCAT and Modbus TCP protocol to communicate with the Staubli robot.
    But Profinet always does not work.
    When I use PC( Win V3 ) as Profinet Controller, the status bar tells me that there is no module.
    When I use RaspBerryPi3 as Profinet Controller, All status lights are green.But communication is still not successful

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2016-09-13


    for Profinet on Control Win there are two points needed:
    1. Install Winpcap (Winpcap.org)
    2. Disable the Firewall

    then it should work

    When I use RaspBerryPi3 as Profinet Controller, all status lights are green.But communication is still not successful
    either use the inputs/outputs in the pou's (add mapping) or set "Enable 2 update variable.." option.


    IMG: Enable2.jpg

  • tommyjeans - 2016-09-13

    RaspberryPi3: Profient Controller
    StaubliRobot: Profinet Device

    Currently I can monitor the robot to Raspberry Pi3 digital input signal.
    Raspberry pi3 output signal in the robot side is always a question mark β€œοΌŸβ€

    I use SIEMENS s7-1200 instead of raspberry pi3 communication with robot is OK.
    So..I don't think the problem is on the side of the robot.

    IMG: AAA.png

  • tommyjeans - 2016-09-14

    When I scan for devide. It picks up the correct IP, stationname and MAC.

    But I do not understand that valid IP required.

    IMG: 11.jpg

    IMG: 22.jpg

    IMG: 33.png


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