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System components instantiation problem

  • bhai - 2011-10-31

    I have recently started working on CodeSys automation framework.

    I having trouble instantiating the System Components. The exception shown by Visual Studio is - System instance of interface type '_3S.CodeSys.Core.IEngine' is not existing.

    I am using CodeSys 3.4 version. Also, I have tried both the variants of instantiating the System components - using SystemInstancesCallback and InstanceFactory approach with the same result.

  • andrzey13 - 2014-12-29


    I had the same problems on Windows 7 64bit.

    1) Install applicatiopn with options "run as admin".
    2) There are three solutions during instalation to choose - choose the firts one ".... files and services ....".

    After these my CoDeSys 3.5 SP3 Patch5 ran without problems.


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