How long can a WSTRING be in Codesys V3 if I concat it with Standard64 library?
Is it maximum 1000 characthers or does it depends how many memory I have left to use?
So I can concat a array for 1000 elements to one WSTRING if each element has e.g 5 characters?
Best regards
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As a rule, CODESYS does not limit the string length; however, If a variable is initialized with a string that is too long for the data type, then CODESYS truncates the string accordingly from the right.
"String functions" are all functions which used for any strings. No matter STRING type (ASCII-based charset) or WSTRING (Unicode/UCS2) - only 255 chars supported in Standard/Standard64 library.
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e.kislov hat geschrieben:
"String functions" are all functions which used for any strings. No matter STRING type (ASCII-based charset) or WSTRING (Unicode/UCS2) - only 255 chars supprorted in Standard/Standard64 library.
Ok. So there is no idea to have a longer string?
Who set the 255 limit? That's very bad.
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You need to use the function calls in Stu and not the Standard library. For example:
Stu.Standard.LEN should really be Stu.StrLenW
Stu.Standard.CONCAT should really be Stu.StrConcatW
If you look at the data type of Stu.Standard.LEN/CONCAT it is looking for a string input which has the 255 character max. This means anything you pass it automatically gets truncated if it is larger than 255. The Stu.StrLenW input is looking at a pointer which it will iterate through until it finds the terminating zero character. This gives it a way to not be size restricted.
So for your code try
StringLength needs to be DINT. This is like how Edwin did it but he used WSTRING instead of STRING so different function calls are needed.
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Thank you, very useful information. I did a library for serial communication and could not understand the reason only 256 chars could be read (after sending more than 256). Following your suggestion, I can now send any number of chars and everything will be received.
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How long can a WSTRING be in Codesys V3 if I concat it with Standard64 library?
Is it maximum 1000 characthers or does it depends how many memory I have left to use?
So I can concat a array for 1000 elements to one WSTRING if each element has e.g 5 characters?
Best regards
255 chars
You can use other methods to do it (pointers, SysMem, etc.)
But isn't that STRING ? ... -3s-string m
"String functions" are all functions which used for any strings. No matter STRING type (ASCII-based charset) or WSTRING (Unicode/UCS2) - only 255 chars supported in Standard/Standard64 library.
Ok. So there is no idea to have a longer string?
Who set the 255 limit? That's very bad.
As I say before - pointers, SysMem...
So you need to use memory manipulation.
would recomended to use StringUtils.library!
StringUtilsExample.project [476.59 KiB]
Thanks! So there is no limit for StringUtils library?
I included the library StringUtils, but still, the maximum string length is 80 chars.
You need to use the function calls in Stu and not the Standard library. For example:
Stu.Standard.LEN should really be Stu.StrLenW
Stu.Standard.CONCAT should really be Stu.StrConcatW
If you look at the data type of Stu.Standard.LEN/CONCAT it is looking for a string input which has the 255 character max. This means anything you pass it automatically gets truncated if it is larger than 255. The Stu.StrLenW input is looking at a pointer which it will iterate through until it finds the terminating zero character. This gives it a way to not be size restricted.
So for your code try
StringLength needs to be DINT. This is like how Edwin did it but he used WSTRING instead of STRING so different function calls are needed.
Thank you, very useful information. I did a library for serial communication and could not understand the reason only 256 chars could be read (after sending more than 256). Following your suggestion, I can now send any number of chars and everything will be received.
Last edit: jtebokkel 2020-06-10