No Visu on RasPi

  • rabaggett - 2024-06-20


    I have been having trouble getting a visualization to show up on the RasPi. I have previously used both WAGO touchscreen and Windows ControlWin and had no trouble.

    The visu does not show on the Raspi screen on start of the program and attempts to view in a browser both on the Raspi (Chromium) and from my laptop (Brave,Chrome,Firefox) running Codesys development fail.

    The visu shows correctly in Codesys development when online. (Win 11)
    The control code that is active is operating correctly.
    Raspi Codesys runtime is licensed.

    What am I missing?


  • mos89p - 2024-06-20

    hi dialog is shown see attached picture

  • rabaggett - 2024-06-20

    OK, I got this to work as shown above in mos89p's comment. What I did:
    Tools/Update Raspberry Pi.
    Reloading the runtime seems to have solved the web problem. I can view the visualization on the Pi and laptop using a browser as shown above. Thanks!


    Isn't the visualization supposed to take over the screen of the Raspi? When I run visu projects on Windows or Wago, the visualization shows on that device's screen by default.. But this is not happening in this case

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-06-20

    ..on release there it will be possible to deploy RemoteTargetvisu which is what you expect now. (next week)

  • rabaggett - 2024-06-20

    Thanks! That beats my deadline.


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