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Program crash ... The system cannot find message text...

  • surikan - 2022-12-01

    I am wondering if I could be the only one that having this problem whereby Codesys would just give me an error message about non existent text messages upon trying to save a project or adding a new device.

    The following message appears with slightly different texts:
    "Project could not be saved .
    (Reason: The system cannot find message text for message number 0x%1 in the message file for %2"

    Any ideas on how to solve this would be appreciated, I am now trying now this on the 3rd PC with fresh install of Windows and Codesys.

  • surikan - 2022-12-02

    In relation to the above I managed to catch an exception message:

    ************* Exception Text **************
    _3S.CoDeSys.Core.Objects.ObjectSaveException: The object 'PLC_PRG [Device: PLC Logic: Application]' could not be saved.
    (Reason: The system cannot find message text for message number 0x%1 in the message file for %2.
       at _3S.CoDeSys.ObjectManager.Project.SaveMetaObject(IMetaObject metaObject, Boolean bCommit, Int64 nNewTimestamp, Boolean& bUndone)
       at _3S.CoDeSys.ObjectManager.Project.SetObject(IMetaObject metaObject, Boolean bCommit, Int64 nNewTimestamp, Boolean& bUndone)
       at _3S.CoDeSys.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.DoSetObject(IMetaObject metaObject, Boolean bCommit, Int64 nNewTimestamp, Object editor)
       at _3S.CoDeSys.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.SetObjectAndTweakTimestamp(IMetaObject metaObject, Boolean bCommit, Int64 nNewTimestamp, Object editor)
       at _3S.CoDeSys.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.SetObject(IMetaObject metaObject, Boolean bCommit, Object editor)
       at _3S.CoDeSys.POUEditor.POUEditor.Save(Boolean bCommit)
       at ..(IEditor , Boolean )
       at _3S.CoDeSys.IECTextEditor.MessageIndicationController.OnTimerTick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
       at System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

    Last edit: surikan 2022-12-02
  • surikan - 2022-12-16

    Just a heads up for anyone runs into something similar.
    I had a my own custom library created in version in my project, I upgraded the library to the newest components and reimported, since then I have not had this error message coming up.
    I believe the error message could be a bit more telling and I also think the developers are interested in fixing it, if so please let me know so I can provide the code or something.

  • surikan - 2022-12-22

    Thanks Paro!


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