Probelm with reinstalling runtime license

  • audi0615 - 2018-12-08


    I have a problem to re-install Codesys runtime and addon license keys (WHQC8-XXXXX.....) on my device.

    When I have received purchased license keys at first, I was OK to install and activate the keys without problem.

    For some reasons, I had to re-install WINDOWS on my device, and Codesys Development system and runtime version was updated to V3.5 SP13 Patch2 (Previously it was V3.5 SP12)

    Today I tried to re-install Codesys Runtime, Softmotion and Web-Visu licence keys but failed as shown below.

    1) License Manger shows no licenses installed.
    2) License Manager -> Activate License -> Enter License Keys -> Error Message : 10957 [10957] – Ticket contains no open licenses for this firmcode.
    3) License Manager -> Restore License -> Enter License Keys -> License could not be restored automatically. Please contact our support department. Reason: Cant’ reload license update file from server.

    There was no change in my device hardware.

    Your help would be highly appreciated.

    Best Regards.

  • audi0615 - 2018-12-09

    Mr. Edwin

    Thank you for your reply.

    Actually, i have already contacted Codesys store help desk for this issue and received e-mail as follows.

    However, i haven't received any e-mail from your agent since 30th of Nov.
    When i send a reminder e-mail to Codesys, Now i received auto generated reply which says "ticket is closed".

    I don't understand what happend.

    Best regards.

    Y.M. Kim

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-12-09

    then -> store -> my question-> bug report



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