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RPI - PCF8591 doesn't work

  • mrgoodcat1234 - 2020-10-02

    Hi all,
    someone can help me to understand why PCF8591 doesn't work?
    I tested with python and it works, so connection are ok and i2c works, but in codesys i dont see any value,
    I add some image maybe someone knows where is the problem.
    I used the example https://forge.codesys.com/forge/talk/Runtime/thread/8981ce928a/#0518
    , installed the device (by creating the .devdesc.xml file), installed the library and run. There are any parameters to change or some operation to do before? I also test MPU6050 and is working fine,

  • abner - 2021-05-22

    Hi, could solve your problem?
    Now I am working with a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and a PCF8591 but I only could read the 4 inputs but I have not been able to work with the Analog Output


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