CSV Utility

  • jtellezarevalo - 2020-05-30

    Hi Everyone.
    I need a database in CSV format to be read into Codesys as input and then write data to another CSV file as output from a process. I am not sure how to use the CSV Utility. Is there a tutorial or document that explains the use of the library in a simple way step by step?
    I am using IIOT Libraries ST

    Thank you.


    Last edit: jtellezarevalo 2020-05-30
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-05-30

    check the example project:
    "c:\Users\<yourwindowsusername>\CSV Utility SL\1.0.x.0\CSV Utility SL Example.project"
    and there is a helpfile here:
    "c:\Users\<yourwindowsusername>\CSV Utility SL\1.0.x.0\CSV Utility SL.chm" </yourwindowsusername></yourwindowsusername>



    Last edit: eschwellinger 2020-05-30
  • ravikg - 2022-03-15


    I bought IIOT Libraries ST and tried to compile example and got following alarm which I cannot get rid.

    • i-campbell

      i-campbell - 2022-03-16

      take it out of simulation mode, right click the device, and update the device to current version.

  • abdel - 2022-09-20

    I have the CSV Utility, I cannot find it anywhere


    Last edit: abdel 2022-09-20
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-09-20

    still here: 'c:\Users\<yourwindowsusername>\CSV Utility SL\1.0.x.0\CSV Utility SL Example.project'</yourwindowsusername>

  • abdel - 2022-09-20

    Thank you so much


    Last edit: abdel 2022-09-20
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-09-20

    which version are you on?
    If this is 3.5Sp17 or SP18 based you could get it by the CODESYS Installer - install
    IIOT libs.
    CSV will be installed as part of this package.
    If you are older then 3.5SP17 version donwload IIOT library from CODESYS Store and install it via PackageManager.

  • abdel - 2022-09-20

    Everything works now! Thank you so much! May I know how exactly I can get the values in the CSV file to be read as an input to another function? I am trying to use CSV utility with the OSCAT basic function block SET_DT


    Last edit: abdel 2022-09-21

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