More information on Device address [0058.A0DE]

  • williamc - 2014-01-07


    I have an application which has my device added. The device is set to

    When I test application I have to scan my gateway and find my device. I can also add a device and rename it so I can identify it.
    This gives it the form of something like WillsDevice[00DE] active
    Once active I can download my application to device.

    Later (perhaps after shutting down PC etc) I try and download project again. However CoDeSys states I must rescan my network.

    Now I can see my old device greyed out and a new device WillsDevice[0058.A0DE]. I also notice that this is the same as my Gateway "Gateway-1:0058.A0DE"

    Can someone provide me a bit more information about this "Address". How is it calculated, why does it change?

    Is there anyway of making this static?

    I want to make an automated program but I can't fully automate it if at various times the Device settings saved in the project need to be updated because Gateway address has changed.

    Many thanks


  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2014-01-07

    The number is automatically configured.
    When you are directly connected to the controller by an Ethernet cable, the number normally consists of only 4 digits, and is a hexadecimal presentation of the last segment of the IP address: 222 = 16#DE

    When you are in a network with a router, you will see that the number will change in 2 segments, where the messages can be routed to other networks (or even passed through serial/CAN connections). This number will then reference to the router/gateway.

    If your device supports TCP/IP programming it might be easiest for you to add a device manually in the communication settings dialog.
    In the dialog you can then specify the IP address of your device. In this case the address will not change.

    Add device => IP address "" => set active.

  • williamc - 2014-01-07

    I'll try deleting all devices then adding via TCP address as opposed to automatic assignment.


    Having done this my device reappears but is now WillsDevice[]

    However, after closing down CoDeSys and restarting when I load project and scan network my active device is now set to:

    WillsDevice[00DE] so I suspect I am going to soon be in the same situation as before.

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2014-01-07

    What happens if you don't scan, but just go directly online after opening the application?
    Probably (hopefully ) the previous used channel is still active and you can go directly online.

  • williamc - 2014-01-07

    Yes, this does normally work.

    But sometimes if I shut down the device and my PC then when I go to reconnect it asks me to rescan.

  • bacha.damin - 2018-04-17

    please I would like to know how can I calculate [00E5.900B]
    my gateway is configured by CAN

  • hfelek - 2024-11-21

    Isn't there really a logic to get device address regarding router and IP setups? I'm trying be sure on whether I connect to the right device or not without 'wink' capability on the device.

  • hfelek - 2024-11-21

    Last edit: hfelek 2024-11-21
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-11-22

    no nowadays I would recommend connect by name. Which is the default I guess since some versions.


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