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Persistence Manager Backup

  • matthew - 2023-10-18


    Is there a process to restore Persistence Manager files? I have backups of persistence variables used in a machine that is currently operating and tuned and all set points adjusted. There are about 500 persistence variables, they are building another identical machine. I would like to use Persistence Manager files from the first machine in the second also.

    I have tried copying the files and replacing them on the new RPI but then the Persistence Manager gets errors and then they are all reset to 0 etc I have tried adjusting the times to match. Instead of replacing whole file, I tried just changing the contents inside the file, but still does not work. I may be missing something here, but surely there must be a way to load a backup.


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2023-10-19

    you need at them moment a download once (for the configuration files generated including addresses)
    then stop the plc - exchange the persistence file ( without the config file)
    This will be improved to and (possible then to generate offline bootproject including full persistenmanager files) - this is if you have not 100% the same bootapplication on the devices.

    In case you copy the whole Application (PLCLogic) directory it should work out of the box - but only with 100% same bootprojects as mentioned above.

    By the CODESYS Automation Server would help solve this too.


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2023-10-19
  • matthew - 2024-04-23

    Hi @eschwellinger How does the persistent manager files work on v20? I would Like to upgrade my v19 as I'm still having issues. Sometimes if there is a power cut CodeSys won't load the Persistence Manager files and I have to redownload to the PLC and then copy my backup persistent files and then start the application. I hope it's a lot more robust in v20


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