Ethernet/IP scanner not available

  • pnn - 2015-08-19


    I'm using Codesys v3.5 sp4 provided by Festo with a Festo CECC PLC - it has a standard ethernet port.

    I need to communicate with a Ethernet/IP slave device, and watched a webinar video where the presenter showed how to add a Ethernet/IP scanner and slaves to a Codesys v3 project. However when I go to Add Device -> Ethernet, in the list of available fieldbuses there is only Modbus with ModbusTCP Master and Slave sub-entries. No Ethernet/IP scanner.

    So is it possible to use this PLC to communicate with Ethernet/IP slaves? Do I need just a software library, or the PLC should have specific hardware? If I only need a library, where to get it from, and is it free or paid?

    Thank you.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2015-08-20

    Ethernet Scanner is availbale since 3.5SP6
    Ethernet Adapter is available since 3.5SP7



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