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SysFile Library - Write .txt

  • dgm-mt - 2020-04-17


    First of all, I am pretty new working with CodeSys v3.5 and this is my first question here on this webpage, I´m not sure if this is the correct way to do it...

    What I´m trying to do using the "SysFile" library, is create a .txt file and write some info in there.
    I can create the file, and I can write into it, but what I can´t do is create a new file on this document.
    For example, I need the next:
    Line 1
    Line 2
    But, what I have always is:
    Line1 Line2
    I tried "$n", "LF", and a lot of command that I found on internet but I can´t make it work.

    This is what I have programmed:

    Aux_OpenFile : BOOL;
    Aux_Texto1 : BOOL;
    Aux_CloseFile : BOOL;
    File_Name : STRING;
    pResult : POINTER TO SysFile.RTS_IEC_RESULT;
    FileHandle : SysFile.RTS_IEC_HANDLE;
    Texto_1 : STRING;
    Texto_2 : STRING;
    Texto_3 : STRING;

    //Open File
    IF Aux_OpenFile THEN
    File_Name := 'd:/test.txt';
    FileHandle := SysFileOpen (szFile:=File_Name, am:=AM_WRITE, pResult:=pResult);
    Aux_OpenFile := FALSE;

    //Write File
    IF Aux_Texto1 THEN
    SysFileWrite (hFile:=FileHandle, pbyBuffer:=ADR(Texto_1), ulSize:=5, pResult:=pResult);
    SysFileWrite (hFile:=FileHandle, pbyBuffer:=ADR(Texto_2), ulSize:=1, pResult:=pResult);
    SysFileWrite (hFile:=FileHandle, pbyBuffer:=ADR(Texto_3), ulSize:=5, pResult:=pResult);
    Aux_Texto1 := FALSE;

    //Close File
    IF Aux_CloseFile THEN
    SysFileClose (hFile:=FileHandle);
    Aux_CloseFile := FALSE;

    Thanks in advance to anybody that can help me.

    Best regards


  • Lo5tNet - 2020-04-17

    Use $R$N for a newline.


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