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Web Browser special tools errors

  • nano - 2024-03-01

    the answer is essy: google and some other providers, prevent from using as iframe and similar injections.

    please try to use an website like codesys.com , this should work

  • Riccardo - 2024-03-06

    Nano goodmorning and thanks for the reaply,

    the links I have to manage are links as the following:

    I saw that with Wikipedia or other web sites the tool works but not the link above.
    "google and some other providers, prevent from using as iframe and similar injections."

    The goal I'm pursuing is to display remote graphical user interfaces from a local graphical user interface over a local network.

    thanks in advance,

  • dkugler - 2024-03-06

    If there is a runtime + webvisu running at the .101 then the link should be:


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