Download Source Code To Device Without Usşng Codesys

  • necati - 2023-03-17


    Assume that I have a lot of devices in the field. I would like to create a project and download or copy Codesys Source Codes of it to each device without using Codesys. Is it possible?

  • snhatton - 2023-03-31

    Yes, this is possible and there are a few options. Automation Server is an option, and invoking the python scripting commands is another option. Python scripts can be used to access different CODESYS components including logging in and downloading. To run a script from the command line without opening the IDE you can do the following:

    CODESYS.exe --Profile="CODESYS V3.5 SP18 Patch 4" --noUI --runScript="C:\"

    Here is the scripting guide for using python with CODESYS:

    Hope this helps!

  • gpratt - 2023-04-01

    If you have remote access to the CODESYS directory on the device, you could download your own .app and .crc files, update the bootproject in the .cfg file, then start the runtime. It should start your downloaded project.


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