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Cannot compare

  • Anonymous - 2020-02-03

    Originally created by: sbrauns@moog.com


    Almost always when I try to do a Project compare I get the messages telling me it cannot compare.

    Does anybody know why this is.
    at least it should tell me why it cannot compare right?



  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2020-02-09

    Thank you for sending me your 3.5 SP15 P3 projects which could not be compared.
    It seems related to the trace object in your Visualization. When you (temporarily) delete the trace from the visualizatioin of one of the projects, it can be compared correctly.

  • m.prestel - 2020-02-10

    Please report this issue via the "My question" feature in the store and attach the projects!

    Thx a lot

    Best regards,


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