EtherCAT getting dropouts on RaspPi(RuntimeSL)->EK1100->EL1512

  • lefish - 2020-12-10

    Hi there,

    right now I am testing the EtherCAT-Comm, but I am getting frequent dropouts pretty exactly every minute.

    I am getting
    watchdog for opmode expired. Address: 1002
    pretty much every minute.

    With the OneWire_Master_PRG on it was even every 3 seconds and lead to a complete failure of device EL1512. I would like to address this behaviour after solving these 1-minute dropouts.

    This behaviour occurs every time, after resetting the runtime.

    I also added the Log_EL1512.xml for your reference.

    I have following cyclic tasks with PRGs running:

    MainTask | 50 ms | Prio: 10
    EtherCAT_Task | 10 ms | Prio: 10
    Task_1s_RT | 1000 ms | Prio: 12
    VISU_TASK | 200 ms | Prio: 30

    plcload for a few requests shows between 8% and 21%.

    Interestingly the Task Configuration / Monitor is EMPTY? Can someone tell me why, I had seen the table before.

    Can someone help me with a rock solid EtherCAT communication?

    Thank you!

    Best regards,


    Last edit: lefish 2020-12-10
  • lefish - 2020-12-11

    The fix to turn on "Update IO while in stop" as suggested here:
    did not do anything.

    But after seeing the Task Monitor again, after restarting CodeSys it dawned on me:
    In my MainTask I had horrifying Max. Task time because of a python script for logging called by the PRG.

    Thats why my EtherCAT-Task dropped out frequently!




    Last edit: lefish 2020-12-11

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