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Error - Cifx_xchannelputpacket

  • mani-i4point0 - 2022-04-12

    While generating a code, I am not getting an error.
    But when I try to login, I am getting the 'Cifx_xchannelputpacket' and other 23 errors.

    please refer the attached images and please do suggest me.

  • sgronchi - 2022-04-12

    What's the "Codesys Control for Raspberry PI" version in the device tree?
    What's the "Codesys Control for Raspberry PI" version running on the PI?
    What's your Codesys IDE version?

    Hint: the first two should match, at least for the first three numbers (eg. and

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2022-04-12

    Raspberry Pi cannot have a CIFX. Please delete the CIFX_EIP and instead add an Ethernet Adapter, and then to the adapter add an Ethernet IP Scanner.

  • mani-i4point0 - 2022-04-12

    Hello Sgronchi and Campbell,

    The issue has been resolved, like Campbell mentioned CFIX can't be used for Raspberry Pi Projects.

    Thank you both for your quick help.

    Best Regards,


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