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Every change increases thew projectsize

  • SimonRdr - 2015-12-10

    We are using CoDeSys V3.5 SP7 for several hardware platforms, which have to be configured each time in the same way. Therefor we want to preserve small templates with only the necessary features.

    Every time we make a change to these templates the file size of the project rises even if we undo the change. I presume the changes itself and the undo-queue are saved instead of only the result of our work. Comparing two of such projects result in differences in settings or Hidden Changes and sometimes also none.

    Is there a possibility to make these changes readable, reset the undo-queue, empty the trash or something similar? Do these hidden things have any effects on the rest of the code?

    codesys_filesize.zip [69.11 KiB]

  • Bakkertje - 2015-12-10

    Hi Simon,

    Did you try already the "Clean all" and "Rebuild" in the build menu?

    Regards, Bakkertje

  • SimonRdr - 2015-12-11

    Hi Bakkertje,

    I've already tried to use "Clean All" but it didn't change a thing. I can't use "Rebuild" because the smallest possible project hasn't even defined a target. It is only an empty project saved, add a POU in structured text with some dummy content, remove the POU and save again. With only these few steps you increase the file size of the project.

    In our daily work we use scripts to import, export, delete and recreate POUs, pictures and visualizations based on a database and so the project will not only increase kilobyte by kilobyte it increases by several megabytes and we are not sure what happens to the "trash" which stays in the project each cycle. In CoDeSys 2.3 it works pretty well but not in V3.

    Best regards Simon


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