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Syscom library

  • Reinier Geers - 2021-09-09

    I use Syscom Library, But it recieves everytime max 16 bytes. Why not more at once ? If is send 23 byte. I recieve 16 and 7 bytes ..

  • Ton - 2021-09-09

    How large is you're receive buffer?
    I quess it is an array of 16 bytes.

  • Reinier Geers - 2021-09-09

    It looks it is 16 bytes. But Syscomwrite can write more then 16. And Syscomrecieve can do more then 16. So why recieves it 16 byte at a time and not everythink ones

  • Ton - 2021-09-09

    What is you're pbyBuffer and ulSize in SysComRead?

  • Reinier Geers - 2021-09-09
    cNoOfByteRec:       UINT:=200;  //exactly No of byte to receive 
    sDataRec:           STRING(cNoOfByteRec);

    i try diverent values. Somehowe its limit is 16

  • Ton - 2021-09-09


  • Reinier Geers - 2021-09-09


    Ive download an example from the store. Same problem


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