aeramos - 2024-09-10


I have a robot configured as a Generic Ethernet Module under Ethernet/IP Scanner.
I can not see the change of state of the outputs coming from the robot on the codesys side in real-time. (The robot has it's own internal program that would changes the values of remote outputs 0-3 off and on).
Also when I send data down to the inputs of the robot it doesn't transfer over as expected.
As an example I'll send to the robot's input bit 0 a value of 1. It doesn't see that value change. However, when I write that input bit 0 back to a value of 0, the robot changes state and shows a value of 1. And if I change the state of a different bit, the other bits update properly, except for the bit that I changed.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, and if anything else is needed let me know.


Last edit: aeramos 2024-09-10