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CodeSys 3.5.17 with Opus A3 (RS232 protocol)

  • mozed - 2022-12-23

    Hello !

    I'm using CodeSys version 3.5.17 and trying to set up data exchange via RS232 protocol. I started looking at all the libraries that deal with this subject and chose COM OPEN.
    I'm currently stuck opening the port, the function block that manages this part remains inactive. After research I saw that it was a known problem but the solutions are never clear enough.
    are you going to help me please?

  • sgronchi - 2022-12-23

    Did you deactivate the debug console via Daemon->HMD subdevice? See the attached picture.

    Otherwise the port is already seized by the Linux system.

    You'll need to reboot the display via ignition (not via power supply) for this setting to take effect.


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