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Trace Configuration questions

  • Dray - 2016-08-17

    Can somebody explain why in "Trace configuration" "Post trigger samples" number always is changing after power off?
    I mean I can't keep it more than 300 samples, if I put more it remains till the next power up, than it changes to some value <300. There is no word about it in Help!

  • Dray - 2016-08-18

    By the way I figured out the Trace configuration (the picture attached)
    It much easier to understand Trace parameters when it's depicted in some diagram, I wonder why it is absent in Help. I still don't understand why we have both "trigger" and "record" condition? What is the purpose of "record condition"?

    IMG: Slide1.PNG

  • mcodem - 2021-04-16

    I wish you could find the right answer already.
    There are two types of triggers. The one is for starting a recording(=record condition) and the other is for finishing the recording(=trigger). It is totally different.


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