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Raspberry Pi Problem - "Setting the active path has been aborted."

  • rsudecetin - 2022-02-23

    I opened a new projects for connecting raspberry but i cant solve this problem. I use raspberry pi 3. Please, help me!

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-02-23

    Which CODESYS version and which runtime version?
    Is the device in the project the same like the device online
    Raspberry PI MC versus Raspberry PI SL? (MC means multicore)
    (you see the online device in the scan dialog -see screenshot)

    If different either do a update device by rightclick in the device tree and change to the same
    which is set on target side. (or change the target side)
    Anyway it must fit.

  • rsudecetin - 2022-02-24

    Thank you so much, i solved the problem. I change first connection standart to multicore and problem solved. You can see in the screenshot what i changed. Target device name must be same your device. I hope it will help other people. :)


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