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IecVarAccess library

  • mandeepahujaifm - 2020-07-16

    Hello fellow CODESYS users,

    I am trying to create a Function Block that picks variables defined in the SymbolConfiguration and sends them out over MQTT. I understand to read SymbolConfiguration variables I need to use the IECVarAccess library. Does anyone have a sample code? Any pointers on where to start? I could potential pay small amount of fee to get a working code example?

    Please advice!

  • Morberis

    Morberis - 2020-07-16

    Hmmm. I took a quick look at the IECVarAccess library and I'm out of my depth there. Sorry!

    You could include the symbol file by adding it to you application in the device tree, then open it and parse it. That also seems less than ideal. You might need IIoT Libraries SL from the Codesys store so you can use the XML Utility SL.

    But my advice is pay for a support ticket and get advice there.


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