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Did redundancy change in 3.5.18?

  • Ulvis

    Ulvis - 2022-11-01

    Unlike "before", now if PLC1 is "active" and PLC2 is "passive", then if PLC2 is rebooted - it will first sync with the live PLC1, but ultimately IT WILL AQUIRE ACTIVE STATE!!! Why does PLC2 not go to passive and leave the "active" PLC1 beeing undisturbed??
    Beats me.... is this by design?

  • Ulvis

    Ulvis - 2022-11-02
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-11-02

    ..should be reproduced/investigated

  • Ulvis

    Ulvis - 2022-11-07

    EDIT: Problem solved (probably). It appears that advice on timing settings was not the best. Extendend Redundancy Settings- General- Timeout to 1500 ms and at least the restarted PLC2 did not 'overtake' PLC1.


    Last edit: Ulvis 2022-11-09

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