shakir - 2020-09-10

Currently I am doing my thesis on my M.Sc program. In my thesis, I have to implement one industrial robot in industry4.0 through IIoT framework including creating Digital Twin. I already have the CODESYS source code as a robot controller. Now I am working on sending controller datas from CODESYS to MQTT broker. For this purpose my aim is to use IIoT libraries SL in CODESYS which can integrate with mosquitto MQTT broker as there is already built in MQTT client in CODESYS IIoT libraries SL. But as I am new in CODESYS and IIoT libraries SL is a newly launched tool and there are not many documentations on that so I am not sure how to integrate IIoT libraries SL in CODESYS, how to connect CODESYS with MQTT broker for sending controller data and what necessary steps need to be taken in CODESYS to send data to MQTT broker.
Thanks in advance for any kind of suggestion.