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How do you manage different Codesys 3 versions ?

  • maauto - 2014-03-12


    how do you (as in other forum members) manage various Codesys 3 flavors that are provided by various hardware developers, so that you don't get into problems with conflicting installations etc ?

    For example I've had the "priviledge" of having to deal with Schneider SoMachine 3 and Eaton's Xsoft 3 on the same machine and they didn't really want to play nicely together on the same installation of windows. They both wanted to install at least the Gateway software (and some other things) one over the other and that didn't go that well in the end. In the near future I'll have to deal with Lenze and Wago implementation too, so I welcome any pointers regarding this.

    With Codesys 2 I didn't have that much problems and (perhaps luckily) I could manage with a "vanila"/plain Codesys 2 installation and only install the necessary CAA targets from various HW vendors, but for Codesys 3 they (the HW vendors) don't seem to support this, or at least they don't provide the equivalent target installations.


  • luetin - 2014-03-14

    I don't really have this problem, but an idea is to use virtual machines for each flavor. Ie. VMware.

  • maauto - 2014-03-20

    That is what I currently do and it works up to a point. It's cumbersome and slow to say the least, but if there are no other ideas it seems it'll have to do for a while.

    May I ask what precisely you meant with "I don't really have this problem" ? Did you mean that you don't use various Codesys 3 variations or that you haven't came across conflicting versions ? (Just asking because if it's the second case then I'd be interested in specific versions that you use.)


  • luetin - 2014-03-21

    maauto hat geschrieben:
    That is what I currently do and it works up to a point. It's cumbersome and slow to say the least, but if there are no other ideas it seems it'll have to do for a while.
    May I ask what precisely you meant with "I don't really have this problem" ? Did you mean that you don't use various Codesys 3 variations or that you haven't came across conflicting versions ? (Just asking because if it's the second case then I'd be interested in specific versions that you use.)

    I meant that I don't use that many flavors - Vanilla codesys 3.x, Beckhoff twincat 3 and Codesys 3 by Festo (not really using this, but it's installed). All are on the same machine and I haven't experienced any issues.


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