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Change NVL List Identifier on Run Time

  • wadehope - 2020-05-05

    Hi everyone,

    I'm working on a project in CoDeSys V3.5 SP15 with 20+ PLC's which all communicate back to a central PLC. These PLC's communicate via Network Variable Lists. All 20+ PLC's have the same (sender) NVL with the only difference being their List Identifier ({NVL Name} -> Properties -> Network Variables Tab -> List Identifier). This list identifier ensures the central reciever PLC knows which PLC the information is coming from.

    The problem I'm having is that I can't seem to find a way to change this List Identifier during runtime. I could change the List Identifier, compile the project, create a new copy of the project, change the List Identifier again and repeat 20+ times, however this is very slow and I don't particularly like the idea of compiling 20+ programs everytime I make a change to the program.

    I'm wondering if there is there a way to change the List Identifier during runtime?

    Any info on this would be great!


  • paro - 2021-11-26


    it works when you change the variables
    on the Receiver
    on the Sender.

    There is on both sides a second variable that holds the value from the list identifier, but i dont know if this is important too.


    Does anyone know anything about this?


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