Library manager. How to know which library do I need

  • Dray - 2016-05-29

    Can somebody explain the Codesys concept of libraries? What does it mean grey colour in Library Manager.
    I work with Berghof PLC and add Modbus Slave Ethernet device, but get 66 errors during Build process. It shows me that something wrong with "IODrvEthernet" library that is coloured grey.
    Where can I find this library?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2016-06-01

    Hello Dray,

    if the libraries are "grey" color this means they are inserted by either the plc-device(from the device description) or for example from a fieldbus master or
    any device in the device tree.
    If you need more information where the placeholder / resolution is done please open the plcaholder dialog.
    Here in this dialog you could even change the plcaeholder resolution if needed (this is mainly for testing purpose only - doubleclick on the middle row 'library' here you could change the Version for example)

    See also the powerful search line in the add library Dialog
    Just type what you know from your function and then click on the search result to add the library.

    Library in 'black' color are inserted by the user via add library (in my example Standard library)

    Then there is in some projects a second library Manager needed for example if you use Application Composer or even the visualisation libraries are availabe in the
    POU library manager.
    This is needed for these features in General I would add your libraries in the device tree library manager.
    Hope this helps.


    IMG: Placeholder.jpg

    IMG: GoogleLibInfoandAddthelibrary.jpg

    IMG: LibraryManager.jpg

  • Dray - 2016-06-01

    Thank you, Edwin for such a clear explanation!
    So as I understand we have several options to install libraries:
    1. Install package file with libraries (e.g. Oscat)
    2. Install library from "Library manager".

    And after library is installed we have to add it in project to use.
    Is it right?


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