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3.5: How to get online to CPU with USB/CAN Kvaser

  • fleaplc

    fleaplc - 2020-12-13

    I've just migrating from Codesys 2.3 to 3.5 for programming Epec devices over CAn interface (Kvaser usb/can adapter). With 2.3 I've just set communication

    So, how get it with 3.5?

  • kislov - 2020-12-13

    Maybe this helps:

  • sgronchi - 2020-12-22

    Search for the "CAN gateway for 3.5 units" in the Start Menu.

    Instructions in the Epec Programming & Libraries Manual under "Getting Started" -> "Going Online and Downloading Application" -> "Codesys 3.5" (via CAN for EC44, SC52, SL84 and via Ethernet for 5050, 6200, XS6C).
    If you use the web version of the manual, the green lines toggle visibility of their section when clicked.

    Or you can just write me officially ;-)


    Last edit: sgronchi 2020-12-22

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