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Convert word to ascii

  • lorenzop - 2022-02-23

    i'm a bit newby, how can i convert a word to an ASCII?

  • krstech

    krstech - 2022-03-09

    1) Install Library UTIL
    2) Use Function(Word_As_String)
    iWord : WORD;
    oString : STRING;
    oString := WORD_AS_STRING(iWord,FALSE);

    See attachment for additional information.
    Hope this is helpful.


  • krstech

    krstech - 2022-03-09

    1) Install Library UTIL
    2) Use Function(Word_As_String)
    iWord : WORD;
    oString : STRING;
    oString := WORD_AS_STRING(iWord,FALSE);

    See attachment for additional information.
    Hope this is helpful.


    • lorenzop - 2022-03-09

      Thanks a lot, i have a question, I am given a word (example: hello) like Word, how do I convert it to a String? Because if I insert in the converter only one letter at a time in ASCII it converts it, otherwise not

  • krstech

    krstech - 2022-03-09

    Here's a snippet i've used for RS232 ASCII comm on one of my application.
    I'm hoping you can extract something useful from it for your requirements.

    It converts the input string "hello" to integer. Play around with it.

    I hope i understand your question.
    Also look into:


    PROGRAM RS232_ReadRegisters
        hexDataString   :   ARRAY[0..15] OF STRING[4];
        readRegister    :   ARRAY[0..15] OF WORD;
        i, x            : INT;
        counter : INT   := 8;
    (* Extract Hex data from Read Response dataString, then convert the hexstring to integer *)
    FOR i := 0 TO gvl.PFC200.RS232.numReadReg - 1 BY 1 DO
        hexDataString[i] := MID(gvl.PFC200.RS232.dataString,4,counter);         // Extract Hex Data: MID(string,len,pos)
        readRegister[i]  := STRING_TO_WORD(CONCAT('16#',hexDataString[i]));     // Convert Hexstring Data to integer
        counter := counter + 4;
    //  gvl.OMRON.to_PFC[i] := readRegister[i];                                 // Point readRegisters for I/O Mapping 
        IF i >= gvl.PFC200.RS232.numReadReg - 1 THEN i:=0; counter:=8; EXIT; END_IF;
    FOR x := gvl.PFC200.RS232.numReadReg TO 15 BY 1 DO
        hexDataString[x] := ''; 

    Last edit: krstech 2022-03-09

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