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Network Variable List over CANbus

  • Bas Koopman - 2014-11-13

    Hi there!

    After having done a number of projects in Codesys 2.3, I am now working with a device running Codesys 3.5. The problem I am facing is that this program has to communicate with a 2.3 device over the CANbus (using CANopen).
    I know I can set up communication using PDO's, but I want to exchange data through Network Variable Lists. I can do this in 2.3, but in 3.5 I only have the option to create a NVL over UPD, not CANbus. To further complicate matters, the 2.3 device is the bus master and the 3.5 is a slave.

    Could someone please explain me how I can set up communication through Network Variable Lists in my set up?



  • Alfred Hutter - 2014-11-18

    As far as i know, network variables over CAN are not supported with CODESYS 3.X


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