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Shortcuts (hot keys) from Codesys 2.3 to Codesys 3.5

  • martinll - 2021-05-01


    Quick question.
    Is it possible to move the shortcuts from Codesys 2.3 to codesys 3.5?
    I installed Codesys 3.5 and i have no shortcuts installed. Is there a setting iΒ΄m missing?

    As there are so many shortcuts i was hoping to avoid setting it up manually.

    Does anyone have a useful file for this?



  • martinll - 2021-08-26


    I would like to update this question with another.
    Is there a way to upload the "original" shortcuts file?
    i have managed to delete (reset) some of my shortcuts and when i press "load" and select what i believe to be (found in codesys/settings) the original nothing happens.

    In my list on fbd/LD/IL it says that to add a box i should press ctrlB but when i do this i get the input assistant.

    Any ideas?



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