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How to reference a Visual Element?

  • yue-qi-qi - 2014-12-16

    If I create a rectangle element in some Visualization,the rectangle's "Elementname" is "GenElemInst_4",
    Then how can I reference the Elementname of "GenElemInst_4"?
    Like the way bellow:
    Or other methods?

  • Zurab - 2014-12-25

    Hello. I am interested in this too.

  • Strucc - 2014-12-25

    I'm afraid, this is not very simple to do in V3.

    First of all, in V3 there are multiple visualization clients, and each of them is a separate entity, with regards to the currently visible visualization, and its components... Any many-many other differences. In order to "program" visualizations, and create elements from ST code, there is a toolkit you can purchase from 3S.

    As a workaround, I recommend to extend your function block or program with a variable iPositionX, manipulate that variable from within the function block, and bind this variable to Relative-movement/Movement top-left/X or the corresponding Absolute-movement value of a visualization element. It's very easy to create progress bars and other "animations" this way.


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