reinstallation codesys V3 fails

  • cifuen - 2017-09-09

    Suddenly when I start the application comes the following message:
    (see figure).

    I have uninstalled the application, re-install it and leave it myself.

    Help , please.

    IMG: abort_codesysjpg.jpg

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2017-09-09

    try to execute:
    "c:\Program Files\3S CODESYS\CODESYS\Common\RepairMenuConfig.exe"


  • cifuen - 2017-09-09

    hi, I've tried it and it still does not work.

    What happened was as follows:

    I turned off the computer and codesys was open, windows tells me if I closed the application I have accepted. It is from restarting the computer when it does not start. This has been with version 3.11.00, I tried with the same version and nothing, I installed the last one (3.11.10) and neither. I imagine reinstalling windows will be solved but I want to try anything else. The operating system is windows 8

    Thanks for the help.


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