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Issue while Scanning Ethercat IO with Codesys on Beckhoff IPC

  • techportsumit - 2020-09-15

    hello everyone,
    we are trying to scan EtherCat IO with Codesys V3.5 engineering software on Beckhoff IPC C6930.
    Is it possible?.
    We are getting an error saying "Gateway Not Configured Properly".


    Last edit: techportsumit 2020-09-15
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-09-17

    in your project is there a Control Win 64?
    This is what you need if the screenshot is from IPC C6930.
    So update the device by rightclick to the device tree on the COntrol Win... then you should find the plc on scan.
    After that you need to browse the mac address for ethercat.

    Depending on your application needs if you need hard realtime with distributec clocks then I would use Control RTE on the IPC.


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2020-09-17

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