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Problem install codesys 3.5.17 SP 30 with Codesys Installer

  • oscardm - 2024-01-12


    I have a problem with codesys installer:
    if install a package on the codesys 3.5.17 SP17, and i try to install a package, for example SVN package, the codesys installer report the "digital signature expired error".

    Anyone have an idea for resolution ?

    Thanks for your feedback

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-01-12

    we need to fix this I see no workaround..hope will be solved next week!

  • oscardm - 2024-01-15

    OK, thank for your answer!

  • Ekristoffe - 2024-01-26

    hello, it seem the installer 2.2.1 fix this problem. please try after updating codesys installer (if the auto update doesn't show the latest version available, you may have to download manually from the codesys store).

  • oscardm - 2024-01-26

    Very good! thanks!


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