Use of front Ethernet port on beckhoff CX2040 as an EtherCAT master

  • alsa-ctr-tech - 2021-04-22


    I've been trying to install a Codesys Control RTE V3 runtime on a Beckhoff CX2040 PC, everything went quite smoothly except for the fact that I can't use one of the two front Ethernet port as a EtherCAT master as I was able to do when I used TwinCAT , I've installed the cmpCX5000Mpd, I've read that you used to not be able to use the front Ethernet port as EtherCAT master, however it has since been fixed as you can see in the following picture. The issue is that Codesys keeps talking about installing a SysEthernet driver (As referenced at the page 15 of the "CODESYSControlRTEV3_Manual.pdf"), I do not know which SysEthernet driver I'm supposed to use, where I should find it, and where I should install it.

    If anyone of you might be able to help, I would gladly welcome that help.


    Last edit: alsa-ctr-tech 2021-04-22
  • alsa-ctr-tech - 2021-04-22

    Excuse me I wanted to post this message on the Runtime Forum, I don't know if an administrator or a moderator might be able to change it.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-04-22

    You need to Install cmp1000 for the frontside... No Sysethernet in RTE


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2021-04-22
  • alsa-ctr-tech - 2021-04-28

    Thank you for your answer, I've been able to correctly install the Cmp1000 on the second frontside Ethernet PORT, now on my network adapters I have a device called "CoDeSys EtherExpress Gbit PCI Ethernet Adapter2, but when I want to use it as my EtherCAT master and I scan the network I get these errors:
    <entry infoid="0" timestamp="2021-04-28 13:38:01" component="IoDrvEtherCAT" severity="warning" user="nobody">ScanModules: no slaves found</entry>
    <entry infoid="0" timestamp="2021-04-28 13:37:57" component="IoDrvEtherCAT" severity="warning" user="nobody">ScanModules: no slaves found</entry>
    <entry infoid="0" timestamp="2021-04-28 13:37:56" component="IoDrvEtherCAT" severity="error" user="nobody">SysEthernet: packet could not be sent, error code:20</entry>
    <entry infoid="0" timestamp="2021-04-28 13:34:05" component="IoDrvEtherCAT" severity="error" user="nobody">Error: Preparation was not successfull: could not open network adapters</entry>
    <entry infoid="0" timestamp="2021-04-28 13:34:05" component="IoDrvEtherCAT" severity="error" user="nobody">Networkadapter could not be opened</entry>
    Also as an EtherCAT master device, I've selected the "EtherCAT Master" and not the "CXxxxx internal EtherCAT Master", I've tested both and I get the same errors.

  • alsa-ctr-tech - 2021-04-28

    Please Ignore the message above.

    Thank you for your answer, I've been able to correctly install the Cmp1000 on the second frontside Ethernet PORT, now on my network adapters I have a device called "CoDeSys EtherExpress Gbit PCI Ethernet Adapter2", but when I want to use it as my EtherCAT master and I scan the network I get these errors:

    <Entry severity="warning" component="IoDrvEtherCAT" user="nobody" timestamp="2021-04-28 13:38:01" infoId="0">ScanModules: no slaves found</Entry>
    <Entry severity="warning" component="IoDrvEtherCAT" user="nobody" timestamp="2021-04-28 13:37:57" infoId="0">ScanModules: no slaves found</Entry>
    <Entry severity="error" component="IoDrvEtherCAT" user="nobody" timestamp="2021-04-28 13:37:56" infoId="0">SysEthernet: packet could not be sent, error code:20</Entry>
    <Entry severity="error" component="IoDrvEtherCAT" user="nobody" timestamp="2021-04-28 13:34:05" infoId="0">Error: Preparation was not successfull: could not open network adapters</Entry>
    <Entry severity="error" component="IoDrvEtherCAT" user="nobody" timestamp="2021-04-28 13:34:05" infoId="0">Networkadapter could not be opened</Entry>

    Also as an EtherCAT master device, I've selected the "EtherCAT Master" and not the "CXxxxx internal EtherCAT Master", I've tested both and I get the same errors.


    Last edit: alsa-ctr-tech 2021-04-28
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-04-28

    I think a cold restart after the cmp1000 driver Installation should fix it!

  • alsa-ctr-tech - 2021-04-29

    So it worked in the end, somehow in the component manager the Cmp1000 wasn't selected but another I can't say if the problems comes from the software itself or if the issue was between the chair and the keyboard, anyway after a PLC restart it worked, thanks for the help


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