josepmariarams - 2016-12-06

Id like to open a discusion about functionality of sfc.

I like to use sfc in some kinds of fb. But for me is needed some functionality (which can go out of the standard):

  1. The posibility of call methods from steps not actions. That opens the possibility of use local variables which makes the code more reusable.

  2. The posibility of that method could have only one time input which has to be filled by the sfc motor with the time that the stage is active. With it we know if it is the first time in the stage(t=0) and use it, for example, to fill the bexecute inputs.. make temporizers....

  3. The possibility of the method enables his down transition, for example return true.

That 3 kinds will make the stage code more compacted.

What do you think about it.
