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How to import CAA Memory library?

  • logiro-bo - 2014-11-24


    I think the CAA Memory library was originally imported to my library repository along with a project which I downloaded from the forum. It can be found in Library Repository:
    Test Versions(not recommended)->Intern->CAA->Utilities->CAA Memory.

    However, I cannot find it by using "Add library" in "Library Manager".

    Can someone help me?


  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2014-11-27

    When you add the library, click Advanced.
    Then go to the section "Use Cases".
    Here you can select the library "Memory".

  • logiro-bo - 2014-11-28

    TimvH hat geschrieben:
    When you add the library, click Advanced.
    Then go to the section "Use Cases".
    Here you can select the library "Memory".

    Thank you for replying.

    Before clicking Advanced, I can see the section "Use Cases", after clicking Advanced, and selecting "All companies" I can see the section "Use Cases" too. However, in both cases, I cannot find the CAA Memory library. All the libraries under "Use Cases" are from 3S - Smart Software Solution GmbH.

  • FabioPD - 2020-07-16

    Go in the library manager and push download missign library.


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