Safety over Wifi

  • yannickasselin - 2021-11-15

    Any idea on how to do safety over wifi with Codesys?

    I did it once with TwinCAT using EAP communication over wifi to make 2 EtherCat Masters talk together.

    Is EAP supported on Codesys or is there a better way to do it?

    I am willing to use 2 PLCs talking over wifi if need be. Any ideas are welcome.

    Thank you.

  • yannickasselin - 2021-11-16

    Is it possible to do safety through communication between 2 Codesys controllers? I use Safety for EL6900.

    Thank you

  • yannickasselin - 2021-11-16

    Can 2 SafetyApp (EL6900) on different Codesys Controllers communicate together through Network Variables?

  • yannickasselin - 2021-11-17

    Well, I guess this is not possible?

    We were doing it in TwinCAT using "Custom FSoE Connection" but I cannot find a way to do it in Codesys.
    Would really like to use Codesys Safety for this project instead of going with another vendor.

    No one has ever done it?

    Thank you

  • yannickasselin - 2021-11-18

    I absolutely need to be able to do safety over wifi for a specific project and I always try to do my projects using Codesys runtime with Beckhoff IOs over EtherCAT and Safety using an EL6900.

    I would have like to keep this kind of configuration for this project but I am now looking at SafetyBridge from Phoenix Contact.

    Can someone from Codesys please tell me if it is possible or not to do safety over wifi with an EL6900? Or tell me where to look or who to ask.

    Thank you.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-11-18

    could you write via CODESYS store 'my question'? Then some will cotanct you
    BR Edwin

  • yannickasselin - 2021-11-18

    Will do that.

    Thank you.


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