Configuration hell

  • DavidBo - 2022-09-01

    Don't get me wrong I like CODESYS very much, but to keep track on all the used versions of everything for ones application is difficult.
    What is the problem?
    My workflow goes like this:
    1) I make an application 'A'
    2) It is tested and validated
    3) I want to store it with all relevant libraries and the CODESYS control. How do I do that?
    4) 2 years pass
    5) I get a new computer
    6) I install the newest version of CODESYS Development System V3
    7) Now I want to do a minor bug fix of application 'A'
    8) What the heck am I supposed to do? Yes I can upgrade everything but then I will have to do a comprehensive test of my application again before it can be validated.
    How do I install the information from step 3)?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-09-02
    1. generall save projekts as projectachive
    2. then
    3. then for the old machines on opening the projectarchive you will be asked to install the exact same version by the CODESYS installer... this should be the way to work with the old applications.

    Last edit: eschwellinger 2022-09-02
    • DavidBo - 2022-09-02

      Your link is broken


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