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Codesys secure webserver (https) certificate

  • gergobereg

    gergobereg - 2022-02-08

    Dear Forum,

    I have created a certificate for the WebServer in WinV3 and installed it on my computer, see picture webserver1.
    The name of my computer is "GGB", the certificate has been created under this name, and if I access the webserver via this name, it works all good, see picture webserver2.
    However if I access the webserver via the IP address, the browser shows the https page as unsecure, of course because, the certificate has been made for "GGB", see picture webserver3.
    This gets more interesting if I would like to access the webserver via another device where I must address it via the IP address.
    Now the question is, how can I generate a certificate what includes the IP address as it's name so I can access it externally? I'm looking for a general solution what works also on PLCs and not only on Windows with WinV3.

    Thank you,

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2022-02-08

    access the webserver via another device where I must address it via the IP address.

    If this is because you do not have access to the domain name server, you should add GGB to the hosts file of the client, and access it instead as https://GGB/


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