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QT QWidgets in HMI

  • mikhail0115 - 2022-11-10

    I am trying to use QWidgets to display. Codesys runtime is version 3.5.17. Can anyone provide a minimal example of that?

  • mondinmr

    mondinmr - 2022-11-15

    We use shared memory!
    A Qt Gateway provide shared memory for process, setting ane messages.
    A Qt remote PLC comunicate with gateway via UDP/TCP/RESTFull.
    We developed 2 framework, the first in use in many production machines, the second in road to be implemented in new applicaitons.
    In second framework we made also a QML simplified data mapping.
    Data excange is made via predefined structs. A tool that extend qmake process dump xml plcopen and phyton scripts to import structs in CODESYS avoiding double works that frequently bring in mistakes.

    In attached image you can see QML test.


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