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FB as library item

  • ais - 2016-04-12

    In V2.x references which I found online, a user defined FB could easily be added as a "library" and recalled for reuse.
    I have perused the V3.5 online library help and it refers to creating full blown libraries.
    How do I add my user defined FB in V3.5.8.2 so that I can easily select it and add an instance of it to whatever I am programming.
    Appreciate any pointers.

  • Anonymous - 2016-04-13

    Originally created by: scott_cunningham

    You can also easily create a library in version 3.5. Open a new library project, pastry from from block inside and save it as a .library file. Install the library file into your repository. There should be an icon in your toolbar that looks like a file cabinet, and that is save library and install to repository. Then you can include this library into any of your projects. With a .library file, you can still debug The library code (it opens and you can go step by step). If you want a protected library, then you should save your library as a compiled library. Just change the extension from .library to .compiledlibrary


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