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Codesys - Universal Robots

  • pietro-ur - 2020-04-23

    Hi all,
    I am new to the use of Codesys, I work at Universal Robots and I am trying to use CodeSys with our cobots. I would like to connect the cobots through the EthernetIP interface, using the EthernetIP adapter available inside our cobots. To install the device I used the eds file provided by UR, which I attached in this post.
    I created a standard project and added an ethernet interface, an ethernet scanner and then the Universal Robots device installed from the eds.
    I can't manage to make it work, my Universal Robots device gives me the error IODrvEthernetIp: resource unavailable 16#2 which i can't find documentation about it online.
    Did anyone know what could be the cause of this error?
    Best Regards,
    Pietro C.

    • yannickasselin - 2020-04-26

      I have never been able to make it work using the eds file but I was able to make it work by manually entering the configuration as a generic EtherNetIP adapter.
      Here's my configuration:

      I think the only difference from using the eds file is the config size.

  • pietro-ur - 2020-04-27

    Hi Yannick,
    Thank you very much your procedure did work and now I am able to use EthernetIp connection with UR cobots.
    Now I have the generic Device, which I properly configured as you suggested and also I added the proper I/O Mapping, do you now if it is possible to export this generic device, with modified settings to an eds file?
    In this way I will make it easily available to people who intends to use codesys and UR cobots in the future.
    Thank you again,
    Best regards
    Pietro C.


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